Friday 29 May 2015

Operation: One Night Stand -- Christine Hughes


Caroline Frost had it all-until her boyfriend banged the superskank intern, and poof! Caroline's happy little bubble disappeared. Now it's been six weeks of weeping, a mountain of ice cream, and a permanent buttprint on the couch. Enough is enough. She and her ladybits need an intervention-now.

Enter Operation: One Night Stand: Find a man who is hotness personified and have some much-needed sexy time. The only problem is that Caroline is torn between a flirtatious, well-built guy and the ridiculously hot bartender serving her shots. This was supposed to be all fun and no games, but like the perfect scotch on the rocks, no good fling finishes without a twist.

Review: 3 Stars

This book felt a bit like a Sex and the City episode -- close girlfriends, lots of alcohol, lots of men, explicit get the picture.  Parts were very funny (the gym scene had me cracking up) -- I may have woken my husband up while reading and laughing in bed.

To me, the book felt a bit rushed.  I think it mainly has to do with the lack of development of the relationship with the ultimate love interest.  I never got any warm fuzzies reading about them together because things just kind of happened and then the week after that cemented their relationship was kind of glossed over.  I think the development of that relationship was particularly important after the time Caroline spent with other men.  Maybe I'm just not used to reading about casual sex with multiple partners.  The ending also felt abrupt.

A free ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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